Suggestions for adults with auditory memory/perception
- Reinforce the spelling of words by focusing on words with similar
- Utilize the chunking technique by breaking words into smaller
- Teach syllabication rules which help learners see the syllables even
when they may not hear the vowels within the syllables i.e. when
there are two or more consonants between vowels the words are
generally divided between the first and second consonant - fac/tor,
- Continue practice with breaking words into parts for learners who
have difficulty tracking the sound sequence.
- Utilize various visualization techniques.55 (For spelling, visualize the
difficult part of the word to help improve retention of the correct
way to spell.)
Sample strategies
Word sorts:
This strategy helps learners identify and remember spelling patterns by
associating words with the same visual or structural formation, e.g. pine, rate,
like, all of which have the final silent e that has an effect on the preceding
vowel. Word sorts change learners' perceptions of spelling from the attempt
to spell hundreds of unrelated words to a more systematic approach. Words
for word sort activities are printed on cards or pieces of paper. The sorts are
either open (sorted into whatever categories learners can identify for
themselves), or closed (sorted with the direction of a practitioner who wants
to demonstrate a particular pattern at that time). Words for open sorts are
drawn from learners' own sources of words, so they can be identical to the
personal spelling lists that they may have composed.56