"Trace, Copy and Recall"
  • Make a 3-column chart with the headings: Trace, Copy and Recall. Fold over the "recall" part, so that only the first two columns show. Select three or four spelling words learners want to learn.
  • Encourage learners to say the word, then trace the word in the first column and say the letters as they trace it, and say the word again.
  • Learners then go to the second column, say the word, and write it the same way. While the rhythm, the sound and the feeling are fresh in their minds, have them flip the paper over and say the word and spell it out -- the same way, saying each letter.57

Reverse chaining by letter
  1. Learners say the word. Then they write it, saying each letter (being enthusiastic and expressive!) W - O - R - D
  2. Learners skip a line and say the word and write it again -- minus the last letter. They say the last letter, but they don't write it. W - O - R - ____
  3. Learners skip a line and say and write the word again - minus the last two letters.
    Learners say them, but they don't write them. W - O - ___ ____
  4. They do that until they're only writing one letter.
  5. Learners go back to the top, read the word, and then they spell it out loud.
  6. Learners fold the page over so they can't see the whole word. They say the word, spell it, and add that last letter.
  7. Learners fold the page back again. They say the word, spell it, and add the last two letters.
  8. They keep going until they spell the whole word.
  9. Learners should GO BACK AND CHECK -- making sure they didn't leave out a letter!58