The following are possible instructional tips that can assist learners with their memory challenges:

  • Use concrete examples before teaching abstract concepts
  • Break demonstrations and/or assignments into segments of shorter tasks
  • Use short sentences
  • Relate information to the learners' world - build on individuals' interests and likes
  • Provide an overview of the lesson prior to beginning
  • Continue to review material before any new information is presented - teach one concept at a time
  • Repeat and restructure continually
  • Continue to monitor and discuss learners' comprehension of what is being learned
  • With adults, have them take notes on verbal directions
  • Highlight important concepts to be learned in the text
  • Encourage learners to explain the new concepts in their own words
  • Use a variety of senses when doing a task (read, write, visualize, manipulate, apply) - physical performance of sequential activities71

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Web sources for strategies - Go to: