Strategies to deal with behavioural challenges
The following strategies were obtained from Wilson, Pamela. How Learning
Disabilities are Addressed in Adult Education and Literacy Programs: Project
Summary and Findings of a Michigan Focus Group for Development of
Future Practitioner Training. Michigan: Michigan Adult and Literacy
Technology, Central Michigan University, Michigan Department of Education
and National Institute for Literacy.1998
Difficulty Remembering
- Unable to remember tasks from day to day
- Unable to remember new information
What to do:
- Establish a routine of daily tasks
- Encourage the consistent use of memory aids such as calendars and
notebooks to plan, record and check-off tasks as completed
- Encourage learners to write down new information in their memory
- Encourage review and rehearsal of information frequently
throughout the day
- Provide opportunities for repeated practice of new information
- Try to pair new information with things that learners are able to
- Provide spoken cues as needed for recall and, if necessary, help fill in
memory gaps
- Allow extra time for learners to respond to any request or question
as it sometimes takes longer for them to respond to questions