Difficulty with Initiation

  • Has trouble getting started
  • Appears disinterested
What to do:
  • Help learners develop a structured daily routine
  • Provide specific choices for daily tasks (would you like to do A or B?)
  • Simplify tasks - break tasks down into simple steps and complete one step at a time
  • Encourage the use of a notebook or calendar and set specific deadlines for tasks to be completed
  • Praise individuals when they get started without assistance

Difficulty Carrying Out a Plan of Action

  • Lack of follow-through with a task
  • Difficulty in planning a sequence of tasks
  • Appear disorganized
What to do:
  • Provide a clear and detailed explanation of an activity before starting
  • Begin with small, realistic projects (i.e. find skills and knowledge required for the job they are pursuing - short order cook)
  • Include learners in planning the activity (i.e. where, how, when and who will get the information)
  • Ask learners to verbally repeat the task to be done to ensure understanding
  • Break down new or complex tasks into several easier steps (i.e. to address where to get information, both the internet and local employment centre were identified - so steps to connect with each resource will need to be identified)
  • Have learners write down the sequence of steps to the task
  • Encourage learners to refer to their plan, and check off each task as it is completed
  • Repeat and explain the sequence of activities as needed
  • Keep abrupt changes to a minimum
  • Encourage learners to "stop and think"
  • Allow extra time for learners to complete tasks