Mathematics characteristics

Potential Strategies

Uses a calculator or counts on fingers for answers to simple problems; e.g. 2 x 5. Make use of regularities in the number system such as 2, 5, 10's, show short cuts to memorizing the multiplication table i.e. 2x 5 = 10 then 5x 2 = 10. Build on existing knowledge and work from what learners know: 2 x 6 = 12 then 3x 6 = 12 + 6 = 18. Encourage them to use the calculator but help them build their estimating skills, so that they can recognize if an error has been made while inputting the numbers if the answer seems incorrect on the calculator. Provide practice frequently but in small doses (two - 15 minute sessions per day). Have them chart their progress.
Can't do math in his/her head and writes down even simple problems. Has difficulty making change. Build in real life manipulative to do basic math problems. Provide learners with strategies to make change. Show that math problems can be approached in many different ways - adding or subtracting. Use a multi-sensory approach. Try to teach as many ways as possible of solving a given type of problem, so that if they forget one way, they will have an alternative. For example, 3 x 4= 2 x 4 + 4. A game-oriented approach to fact learning may be productive. For example, using number cards or dice pick a sum (addition) or a product (multiplication) and see how many different cards or dice can be used to create that answer. Practice with real money, writing down the problems and responses as they are completed.
Confuses math symbols. Misreads numbers. Doesn't interpret graphs or tables accurately. May make careless mistakes in written work. Has trouble maintaining a chequebook. Help learners become aware of this challenge - encourage review of work and double-checking of information. Practice tracing numbers they reverse or misread. Build in self-monitoring strategies. In most cases learners understand the concepts but make mistakes with their calculations. Encourage the learner to circle the symbols.
Leaves out steps in math problem-solving and does them in the wrong order. Cannot do long division except with a calculator. Has trouble budgeting. Teach problem-solving steps to use with each math problem: read and understand the problem; look for the key questions and recognize the important words; select the appropriate operation; write the equation and solve it. Help learners chunk the information into smaller units. Use mnemonics for long division to help remember the steps. Model manipulation so that learners understand that math problems can be looked at in a number of ways. Use real-life situations to understand the meaning. Continually model that concrete materials can be moved, held, and physically grouped and separated - this provides more vivid teaching tools than a pictorial diagram or grouping.
Doesn't translate real-life problems into the appropriate mathematical processes. Avoids employment situations that involve this set of skills. Practice what operations are needed and have learners make up their own word problems from number statements. This helps learners to understand how the language is structured. Highlight key words, numbers and /or calculations. Alter instruction, i.e. give the answers and allow learners to explain how the answer was obtained. Help learners with auditory disabilities visualize the word problem, i.e. if the problem mentions two cars at different prices, have them draw the cars with the prices.