"A key component of many of the successful academic interventions was an
emphasis on students working collaboratively with their classmates and
receiving feedback from classmates on their progress. These interventions
appear to give students with learning disabilities a dual payoff: they do better
academically and self-concept is enhanced. Enhancing and highlighting new
abilities and academic successes seems essential." 34
Creating a learning environment to foster motivation and
"Creating a learning environment that meets the needs of adult learners is a
key element of successful adult education programs. The challenge is to create
a non-threatening atmosphere in which adults have permission and are
expected to share in the responsibility for their learning." 35
Build an adult-to-adult understanding
- Use positive nonverbal communication
- Deal with the whole person
- Address learners as equals
- Share responsibility by actively involving learners in developing
learning expectations for performance and behaviour
Create a relaxed environment:
- Put chairs in a circle or a U shape
- Discuss general topics of interest and, as a practitioner, share
information about yourself
- Be accessible to the learners
- Share common ground (coffee, newspaper, etc.)
Create a learning environment that encourages all learners to participate
- Provide every opportunity to encourage learners to take
responsibility for their learning through involvement and open
dialogue (continually ask inquiry type questions such as "What
would you do in this situation? How could you find out more