Overall, persons with ADD may:
- Fail to pay close attention
- Make careless mistakes
- Not listen when spoken to
- Lose or forget things
- Have difficulty following instructions
- Talk excessively
- Have difficulty taking turns42
The core symptoms of ADD change, as a person grows older. Research
suggests that hyperactivity declines with age; attention problems remain
constant; and organizational management problems increase in adulthood.
Poor time-management, chronic lateness, and difficulties completing
paperwork and meeting deadlines are common work-related problems of
adults with ADD.43
Specific skill characteristics of adults with learning disabilities
Aspects of speaking, listening, reading, writing and mathematics overlap and
build on the same brain capabilities. Therefore, it is understandable that an
individual can have more than one disability. One gap in processing can affect
many types of activities. (Information contained in the following charts.)44