It is important to remember that many individuals with dyslexia can learn to read and write, given suitable supports. Individuals with dyslexia are not alike; each individual may have different strengths, weaknesses and instructional needs.38

Where does Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) fit in?

Adults with learning disabilities often have problems concentrating on a task. It is important to note that ADD is not a learning disability but an "an associated disorder that can interfere with the individual's availability for learning." The percentage of persons who have a learning disability and ADD is unclear due to inconsistent study methodolgies.39

"ADD and learning disabilities are two discrete disorders with distinct symptom clusters. However, some symptoms may be common to both disorders, including: disorganization, weak executive functioning, and inefficient use of strategies. Without careful assessment, distinguishing between ADHD and learning disabilities can be difficult because of overlapping symptoms and because some behaviours that may result from learning disabilities can look like ADHD symptoms. For example, individuals with central auditory processing deficits can appear inattentive, and students who have become discouraged due to learning problems may not stay on task or may appear distractible."40
There are three types of attention deficits:
  • The inability to block out distractions (white noise or background noise such as street traffic and/or visual distractions such as patterned wallpaper)
  • The inability to see or hear instructions or interjections because learners completely block external stimuli
  • The inability to sustain attention - learners may become bored or tired easily41