• Respond to learners' frustrations by having them retrace their steps to find their mistakes or figure out alternative ways of approaching a problem.
  • Help learners to understand that "failure" is success: learning what doesn't work is on the same path as learning what does work.
  • Provide opportunities for learners to work with other peers (i.e. study buddies).
  • Provide decision-making, organizational, problem-solving and team-building opportunities.
  • Encourage learners to keep track of their progress and make decisions on what to learn next. Reinforce the efforts and progress of students through the use of progress charts or graphs.36

Identifying accommodations

Accommodations are sometimes referred to as the removal of barriers or modifications to help adults reach their goals. The aim is to enhance adults' learning through modified instructional methods, the use of adaptive technology and opportunities for alternative assessment and examination procedures. In other words, it is a different way to do a task.

Often the terms strategy and accommodation are used interchangeably - but they are different.

- A strategy is a different way to teach a skill, whereas
- An accommodation is a way to bypass or compensate for one's difficulty.
How an accommodation might be used instead of a learning strategy:

A learner wants to start a carpentry business, but needs help to do handwritten cost estimates. Unfortunately he/she was unsuccessful after trying several strategies to learn to write and add the costs manually. An accommodation was pursued to help bypass the task. The adult developed a preprinted form with common materials and costs so he/she only had to circle the applicable costs and use a calculator to add up the totals.