12 St. Mary Parish Schools. List of Recommendations for Acquisition. <http://www.stmary.k12.la.us/specialservices/list_of_recommendations_for_acqu.htm>.

13 The University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning. Learning Strategies. SIM Spotlight. 2003. <http://www.ku-crl.org/iei/sim/lscurriculum.html> and Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center (2001).

14 The University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning. (2003) and Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center (2001).

15 The University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning. (2003) and Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center (2001).

16 The University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning. (2003) and Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center. (2001).

17 Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center. The Learning Disabilities Accommodations and Adaptation Guide. Richmond, VA: Virginia Commonwealth University. <http://www.aelweb.vcu.edu/publications/LDGuide>.

18 Ohio Literacy Resource Center. Why Use Learning Strategies? <http://literacy.kent.edu/eureka/strategies/index.html>.

19 University of St. Thomas. Study Habits for Adults with ADHD. <http://www.iss.stthomas.edu/studyguides/adhd/adhdv.htm>.

20 Test, David, Browder, Dianne, Karvonen, Meagon, Wood, Wendy and Algozzine, Bob. Writing Lesson Plans for Promoting Self-Determination. <http://www.dldcec.org/pdf/teaching_how-tos/Article_1.pdf>.

21 Test, Browder & et.all. <http://www.teachingld.org/pdf/teaching_how-tos/article_1.pdf>.

22 LD Educational Subcommittee. Transition Planning: Preparing for Postsecondary Employment for Students with Learning Disabilities and/or Attention Disorders. 1999. <http://www.ldonline.org/ld_indepth/transition/lda_trans_planning.html>.

23 LD Educational Subcommittee (1999). <http://www.ldonline.org/ld_indepth/transition/lda_trans_planning.html>.