Example of how the unit organizer looked during development
graphic of POWER tree graph:Plan Organize Write Edit Revise

Learning outcomes: (include both group outcomes (broad) and individual outcomes for each learner)

Learning strategies: list the strategies that will be covered - you may want to list them directly under each section of power (i.e. planning sheets under planning, semantic mapping/sentence organizing under organizing, etc.)

Enhance ideas and supporting details

The following enhancement routines help practitioners effectively teach main ideas and supporting details. The routines can help turn abstract main ideas into concrete ideas to help learners think and talk about key topics.

Clarifying routine: can be used by practitioners to help learners gain a clear understanding of the meaning associated with terms, events, places, people or ideas that are included in the materials presented. While instructing, the practitioners highlight the targeted terms and present the associated features to help clarify the meanings of the terms. Practitioners are encouraged to present terms or ideas using a variety of processing mechanisms. They should help the learners connect personal meanings to the terms. Emphasizing relevancy, clarifying the terms and using a variety of formats will help the learners to develop a solid understanding of the terms. Practitioners can use this routine to introduce a new idea or as a review routine.13