Gather information about the learnerIf it is suspected that a learner has a learning disability, as much information as possible should be gathered. Try to build specific questions into an informal conversation. Any screening tools used must be suitable for adults. Agencies should be honest with learners and talk about the impact of the potential disabilities and the commitment needed by both the adult learners and the agencies in order to achieve progress. Overall, this process should be positive for the adults.60 Do not rush the time spent collecting information. The more information that is gathered, the better the chances are of determining the possibility of learning disabilities. As the information is collected and examined, practitioners should give themselves and the learners the benefit of the doubt. Look for disabilities, but be sensitive to information that would lead to a different conclusion such as:
Integrating the screening process into the intake procedure is ideal. However for learners who are already participating in the program, practitioners should look for characteristics of potential learning disabilities and integrate the screening tool into the ongoing evaluation process. Indicators of learning disabilities may appear when observing:
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