Incorporate specific questions designed to elicit information concerning
adults' learning histories during intake interviews.
Some of the more pertinent questions to ask include:
- Did you ever repeat any grades in school?
- Why did you leave school (if appropriate)?
- Were you ever given any special education assistance in the past? If
so, what kind?
- How would you describe your reading abilities?
- Are you able to sound out words that you don't know?
- If you can read the words, are you able to understand and
remember what you read?
- Are you a fast reader?
- Can you usually understand verbal directions, or what other people
- Are you able to explain yourself when speaking so that other
people understand you?
- How would you describe your writing abilities?
- Can you organize your ideas to write?
- Do you usually put periods and commas, etc. in the right
- How would you describe your spelling?
- How would you describe your ability to do math or science?
- How would you describe your social skills? Do you have difficulty
making and/or keeping friends?
- Have you ever been formally assessed (one-on-one) before for any
learning difficulties?
- What do you feel gives you the most difficulty when doing school or
work tasks?
- What do you find easiest to do?