Interpersonal intelligence

Is the ability to communicate effectively with others through one-to-one relationships.

Intrapersonal intelligence

Is the ability to understand yourself, clearly understanding and accepting your strengths and weaknesses.

Naturalist intelligence

Is the ability to understand and express an interest in living things and other features of the natural world. Historically, this was a strong feature for hunters and farmers.85

Learners feel more confident with their ability to learn and are motivated to engage in the learning process when they:

  • Understand the different ways of learning and their unique combination of MI
  • Are taught new subjects through various activities and projects
  • Are able to show what they know through information gained through assessments

It is important that practitioners understand learners' particular learning preferences and/or MI, but not label them with it. Through this understanding, practitioners can provide opportunities for learners that foster their learning and strengthen their intelligences.86