Appendix BWords/definitions commonly associated with learning disabilitiesDyslexia, perhaps the most commonly known word, is primarily used to
describe difficulty with language processing and its impact on reading,
writing, and spelling - The following definitions have been taken from the National Center for
Learning Disabilities. Dysgraphia involves difficulty with writing. Problems might be seen in the actual motor patterns used in writing. Also characteristic are difficulties with spelling and the formulation of written composition. Dyscalculia involves difficulty with mathematical skills and impacts math computation. Memory of mathematical facts, concepts of time, money, and musical concepts can also be impacted. Dyspraxia (Apraxia) is difficulty with motor planning and impacts upon a person's ability to coordinate appropriate body movements. Auditory discrimination is a key component of efficient language use and is necessary to "break the code" for reading. It involves being able to perceive the differences between speech sounds and to sequence these sounds into meaningful words. Visual perception is critical to reading and writing processes as it addresses the ability to notice important details and assign meaning to what is seen. |
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