Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD/AHDD) may co-occur with learning disabilities (incidence estimates vary). Features can include marked over-activity (physical restlessness), distractibility (poor attention to tasks), and/or impulsivity (impaired impulse control) which in turn can interfere with an individual's job, family and social life. 89

Learning strategy approaches are instructional approaches that focus on efficient ways to learn, rather than on curriculum. Includes specific techniques for organizing, actively interacting with material, memorizing, and monitoring any content or subject.

Multi-sensory learning is an instructional approach that combines auditory, visual, and tactile elements into a learning task. Tracing sandpaper numbers while saying a number fact aloud would be a multi-sensory learning activity.

Transition is commonly used to refer to the change from secondary school to post-secondary programs, work, and independent living typical of young adults. It is also used to describe other periods of major change such as from early childhood to school or from more specialized to mainstreamed settings.90

Above terms taken from: Lokerson, Jean. LD: Glossary of Some Important Terms. ERIC Digest 517. Reston. V.A.: ERIC Clearinghouse on Handicapped and Gifted Children. 1992.
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