• Tom left school once he was 16 year of age, with 7 credits, (2 Math, 1 Art, 2 Physical education, 1 History and 2 Technology) of which he indicated he got a low 70 average. He reported that he liked the math class, but didn't like the word problems.
  • Health:
    • Tom reported no medical problems.
    • Tom wasn't taking any medication.
    • Tom has been wearing glasses since age 14 and gets regular checkups.
  • Family background:
    • Tom indicated no major issues.
    • Tom is the only child. His father worked at the same beer company, which is how he got the job.
    • Tom stated his father didn't get his Grade 12 diploma, but that never affected his ability to get a job.
    • His father took an early retirement package with the beer company when it closed.
    • His mother stayed at home, but she got her Grade 12 diploma and worked as a secretary prior to having him.
  • Employment history:
    • Tom worked at the beer company during the summer prior to landing the job full-time.
    • He held various service jobs such as fast food worker and gas attendant, prior to his full-time job at the factory.
    • Tom was on the line in different areas and was also in loading and shipping, while he worked at the beer factory.
    • He tried a telemarketing job because they said he could make good bucks while he was unemployed - he wasn't afraid of talking on the phone, but he didn't stay because they said he made too many mistakes recording the information from the potential buyer.