General observations during the interview:
- Tom would often go into great detail when answering the
questions and sometimes forget the question that was
- He was not shy when talking - in fact he would sometimes
begin to answer a question before the practitioner had time
to complete it.
- Tom would sometimes draw a blank on a word he was
wanting to use and say "you know, um" and would
attempt to describe the word he was trying to get at.
- Tom liked to control the conversation and would respond
quickly without gathering his thoughts.
- Tom was easily distracted by people coming into the
agency, even though the door was closed to the office - he
would watch people go by and not hear what was being
said to him.
Results of self-assessment:
- Tom found he got bored of reading information or books that had
too much detail and technical "mumbo jumbo". He didn't dislike to
read, but said it wasn't of great interest to him - he would read the
newspaper and scan the headlines and brief articles.
- Tom rated his spelling and handwriting as poor.
- Tom admitted that his actual writing wasn't great but he was able to
get by. He said he sometimes found it difficult to put his thoughts on
- Tom often lost track of things at home, although he never really
thought much about it because he had never done any type of self-reflection.
- Tom preferred to read printed directions especially if they were
detailed, rather than hearing them orally and he said he finds it
difficult to concentrate if there is too much information given to him.
- He had no problem with handling money, shopping, telling time,
and overall basic life management.
- Tom indicated an interest in using the computer and enjoys sports.
- He stated his goal was to get his Grade 12 so that he could get
another factory job.