Initial interpretation and further inquiry
Based on the information gleaned from the intake interview and the CATT
results, it appears that Samantha has difficulty with reading comprehension
and spelling, which may indicate some type of visual processing disability.
Her vocabulary and verbal skills are excellent which rules out any intellectual
ability and her medical history reveals no interfering factors to impact her
learning. Her key strength is her determination and realistic understanding of
herself. She has a good support system and is clear on her goal.
- Utilize a self-assessment tool, but provide oral direction if she is
having difficulty reading it. This will help to gain insight into
Samantha's understanding of her strengths and weaknesses and may
also give insight into her oral comprehension versus her reading
- Discuss how Samantha has dealt with her reading challenges (i.e.
when dealing with her son and taking care of his needs) - she may
identify strategies that she has used without realizing they are
- Ask Samantha how she felt about the CAAT and the math inventory
skills tests: what areas did she struggle with and what areas did she
find okay?
- Share with Samantha her role in the whole learning process and the
importance for both Samantha and the practitioner to be open to
ensure the best learning opportunity for her.
- Further assessment is required to understand Samantha's strengths
and weaknesses. It will be important to point out her strengths given
her past educational experiences and frustrations with her reading
abilities. Build on any existing strategies if they have been identified.