Case Study C - Frank

General Description:
  • Frank is 52 years old and has been unemployed for the past 2 years, since his company shut down.
  • He is currently receiving Ontario Works benefits.
  • He has learned about the "new way" to search for a job, but recognizes that he needs to upgrade his skills.
  • He is quite handy, has done renovation projects and is interested in starting his own business.
  • He was referred to the community-based literacy program from the school board credit program because he was having difficulty in the classroom environment and with submitting assignments on time.

Information gathered from initial intake
  • Academic background -
    • Frank obtained his Grade 9 credits, but left to seek work.
    • Frank found it hard to pay attention in school and often got into trouble.
    • He did enjoy math and spelling, but disliked English and History.
    • Frank remembers always handing his assignments in late or avoiding them completely by skipping school, as he got older.
    • Frank struggled in the adult learning program - he found it difficult to complete his writing and reading homework and assignments - he also indicated that he found it hard to sit in the classroom for a long period of time.
    • His initial CAAT tests revealed that Frank had Grade 8 to 9 level functioning in all areas, yet he still struggled in the adult upgrading program.
    • While Frank was at the learning centre he was enrolled in a Mathematics, History, and English program.
    • Frank was referred to the community-based program to access one-to-one tutoring or a small group program, as a result of his difficulties in the credit program.