• Medical history:
    • Frank is not on any medication that would interfere with his learning.
    • Frank does wear glasses and shows no indication of a hearing problem.
  • Family situation:
    • Frank is married with two sons who are adults and living independently.
    • His wife is a school secretary and is the "organizer", as he states it.
    • Frank states that his wife deals with most of the daily planning and household organizing.
    • Frank's role is to keep the house in good repair.
  • Self assessment:
    • Frank indicated that he has difficulty sometimes with his reading and writing.
    • Frank stated that he often has difficulty organizing and planning things. He often loses his tools when doing his renovation projects and gets bogged down when he has more than one project on the go.
    • Frank finds it difficult to pay attention and concentrate when there are other distractions around.
    • Frank can't sit still for long and indicated that he doesn't enjoy doing tasks that require a lot of attention, such as paying the bills and banking.
    • Frank is good at building and repairing things when he works at one thing at a time.