24 Bogad, Liz. Finding My LD Pride. <http://www.ldonline.org/first_person/bogod.html>.

25 Ontario Literacy Coalition. Learning Disabilities: Best Practice and Innovations. Toronto, ON: Ontario Literacy Coalition. Issue 3 of 3, 2001.8.

26 Marshall, Sheila. Learning Differently: A Learning Disabilities Resource Guide for Tutors and Staff. Barrie, ON: Community Literacy Ontario. 2001.12.

27 Marshall (2001). 14.

28 Ontario Literacy Coalition. Learning Disabilities: Best Practice and Innovations. Toronto, ON: Ontario Literacy Coalition. Issue 3 of 3, 2001.8.

29 Marshall (2001). 14.

30 Marshall (2001).15.

31 Ontario Literacy Coalition (2001). 8.

32 Goldstein, Ricki. Taking the Mystique out of Learning Disabilities: A Practical Guide for Tutors. Saint John, New Brunswick: Laubach Literacy of Canada. 1989.21.

33 Goldstein (1989). 34.

34 Harris, Suzy, Morgan, Connie & Davies, Marilyn. Learning Disabilities Seminar. Kitchener, ON: Laubach Literacy of Ontario.106.

35 National Institute For Literacy. Bridges to Practice: Guidebook 1: Preparing To Serve Adults with Learning Disabilities. Washington, D.C.: National adult Literacy and Learning Disability Center. 1999. 15.

36 Dyslexia Research Group. Dyslexia Diagnosis and Epidemiology. <http://www.kjp.unimarburg.de/kjp/legast/eng/index.htm>. No longer available at website.

37 Learning Disabilities of Ontario. About LD - Dyslexia. <http://www.ldao.on.ca/about_ld/articles/general/whtdys.html> No longer available on website

38 National Institute For Literacy. Bridges to Practice: Guidebook 1: Preparing To Serve Adults With Learning Disabilities. Washington, D.C.: National adult Literacy and Learning Disability Center. 1999. 16.