4. Have you failed or dropped any courses in your program?

If so, please list _________________________________________________________________


5. Have you attended any other post-secondary institutions prior to coming to this college?
Yes graphic of checkbox No graphic of checkbox

If yes, please give details: _________________________________________________________

6. Were you registered with the Special Needs Office at that institution?
Yes graphic of checkbox No graphic of checkbox

7. If yes, did you receive any accommodations (e.g. extra time for exams)?
Yes graphic of checkbox No graphic of checkbox

If yes, please specify: ____________________________________________________________

Previous Academic History

(attach transcripts where available)

8. Please list the schools you have attended: (Elementary, Secondary, Specialized, Adult Ed.)







9. What was the highest grade that you completed? _________________________________

10. What grades, if any, did you repeat? ___________________________________________

11. Did you receive a Secondary School Diploma?
Yes graphic of checkbox No graphic of checkbox

12. What type of courses did you take at secondary school? ____________________________

(Advanced/General/Basic, University/College/Mixed/Workplace)
(please attach high school transcripts)

graphic of shortcut arrow Appendix B Table of Content