21. Did you have difficulty completing exams within the allotted time?


22. Did you receive any special education/remedial/resource assistance/specialized tutoring in elementary or secondary school?
Yes graphic of checkbox No graphic of checkbox
If yes, what kind of help was it and in which grades did this help take place? (be specific)





23. What did you find helpful (or not helpful) about this extra help?




24. Who in your family helped you with your homework? _____________________________

25. Approximately how many hours per night did you receive help with your homework? ____

26. Do you find it easier to learn by
graphic of checkbox listening or hearing?
graphic of checkbox reading?
graphic of checkbox writing?
graphic of checkbox saying things out loud?
graphic of checkbox working with your hands?

27. Did you have any special testing for your school problems? (This refers to psycho-educational assessment not to regular class tests and exams.)
Yes graphic of checkbox No graphic of checkbox
