Involving the learner
The learner is an active partner in the screening process. To help ensure that accurate
information is gathered from the learner, an open and positive approach is required. To
create such an approach, incorporate the following tips:
- Be clear and upfront about the purpose of the screening tool. You could state:
- "The screening tool may help us choose the best strategies for you to use in learning and becoming more successful."
- "The information from the screening tool may help us know the likelihood that you have a learning disability."
- "The tool may help us decide which other agencies may be helpful for you."
- Welcome any questions or concerns that the learner may have about the tool, the process or how the information will be used
- Continually stress that the answers will be kept confidential
- Clarify that this is not a test; encourage the learner to take his or her time and ask
any questions if he or she does not understand or wants to know why certain questions are being asked
- Encourage the learner to ask for assistance at any point during the screening process
- Ensure that distractions are kept to a minimum and that the learner is completely comfortable