graphic of World above camera, suitcase, duffle bag, hat, etc.

Theory to application: We are now entering the world of screening tools

graphic of man and woman riding in a cart

First stop! Quick screens

Purpose of quick screens:

  • To determine if a learner who is entering a program has a potential learning disability
  • To determine if the learner should be referred for further learning disability testing (if funding and/or services are available)
  • To determine if the learner would benefit from participating in more in-depth screening/assessment for potential learning disabilities administered by the program (if available - not all programs will have a more enhanced assessment)

graphic of push-cart loaded with stacked boxes

Quick screen tools

The list of tools below was evaluated by Literacy Link South Central (LLSC). To access details of the evaluation, refer to Chapter Two Appendix A. You can also click on the links below to directly access further information about each tool.