Chapter Two Appendix C
Screening Inventory LDAO (Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario)
I am going to read some statements and I want you to tell me whether they describe you.
You can answer: Never, Sometimes, or Often
- I have trouble remembering people's names
- I learn best when someone shows me what to do
- I have trouble remembering the order that must be followed when given instructions
- I have trouble understanding what people are saying to me, especially when they speak quickly
- I have trouble thinking of the right word to say or write, even when I know the word
- I get confused when I'm trying to explain things to people
- I have trouble pronouncing long words, and get the order mixed up
- When I read, the words and letters seem to jump around on the page
- I lose my place easily when I am reading
- I have trouble sounding out new words
- I can sound out words, but I don't remember what words look like
- I misspell small words as much as big words
- I can spell the same word several ways in the same essay
- I understand a story better if someone reads it to me
- I have to read things several times before I understand them
- I lose my place when copying from the blackboard or an overhead
- My handwriting is hard for other people to read