- I express myself better when speaking than when writing
- I have trouble getting my ideas down on paper
- Other people don't understand what I am trying to say in my writing
- I sometimes reverse letters or numbers, or get them in the wrong order
- I have trouble remembering multiplication tables
- I have trouble figuring out what they're asking in math word problems
- I make mistakes when working through math problems that have several steps
- I can't figure out what formulas to use in math questions
- I know what to do in math questions, but I get the calculations wrong if I don't use a calculator
- It takes me a while to find my way around a new place
- I have trouble judging distances
- I confuse left and right
- I have trouble judging how long things are going to take to do
- I am often late getting places
- I have trouble finding things on a cluttered desk
- Jigsaw puzzles are something I've always avoided
- I get confused when I'm trying to do too many things at once
Everyone has problems with these areas some of the time, but if there are many items to
which you answer "often", it may be useful to look into the possibility of learning disabilities.