For discussion of Angela's results, please see Activity 1 from
"Input from Online Delivery" at the end of this chapter.
Learner and practitioner experiences using the tool
Practitioner experiences using the tool:
- I used the tool as a quick screen during initial assessments. It was fast, gave
immediate results, and I felt it did identify disabilities.
- It did not give a lot of insight into the learner's particular problems and I don't
think it would be great for ongoing assessments.
- It was a good tool for identifying a student who should go on for further testing.
The tool is good for determining a referral, but not very helpful in sorting out how
to help a learner who has a disability. I found that, in the interview, I was able to
ask the student to expand on the items and I could get more detail and a better understanding of the problems.
Learners' comments
- The questions were easy to understand
- The results that my instructor shared with me were easy to understand
- The results will help me understand how to learn better
- I would tell other learners to use the tool with their instructor
Next stop! In-depth Tools
- To understand a learner's strengths and weaknesses
- To understand why a learner is experiencing learning difficulties
- To develop a training plan that includes strategies to overcome, get around or cope with learning difficulties