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Input from Online Delivery of Chapter Three

Using the tools: Hands-on application of screening tools

Literacy Link South Central wanted to give readers of this manual a valuable component of the online workshop: participant input. The following bullet points are compiled from participant responses, and may or may not include information or opinions in keeping with our evaluative constructs. We encourage you to filter the comments as you would in any classroom setting.

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Activity 1

We began the workshop by looking at a quick screen tool called the Washington Screening Tool. This tool is part of a more in-depth screening process used by caseworkers in the Washington State Department of Social & Health Services. According to the research done for Literacy Link South Central's project, this tool measures indicators of potential learning disabilities and yields consistent results. You can find the tool at

After looking at the Washington Screening Tool, we presented you with a case study about Angela and then asked you to discuss Angela's results. Here's what you told us:

  • The age of onset of Angela's hearing loss could account for some of her difficulties in school; we need more information about her hearing and vision problems. They may be causing learning difficulties.
  • Past personal/family history may also account for early learning difficulties; this could be explored further.
  • How can we determine if responses are accurate? The learner may not deliberately provide misleading information but he/she may misunderstand a question or not be comfortable responding.
  • Some of the responses could indicate ID as well as LD.
  • It's important to use your own knowledge and judgment when using these tools; they don't provide all the answers. They don't provide a diagnosis nor are they infallible. If they indicate a possibility of LD, further testing should be done to confirm it.
  • The tool wouldn't work well with ESL or ASL learners.
  • The amount of information this tool provides is limited because it is so short.