- Do you have, or have you had in the past problems with any of the following?:
| Yes | No |
| Yes | No |
Hearing |
X |
Allergies |
X |
Vision |
X |
Drug Abuse |
X |
Head Injury |
X |
Alcohol Abuse |
X |
Emotional Trauma |
X |
Ear Infections |
X |
Headaches |
X |
Migraines |
X |
If yes, please describe: glasses since Grade 8 and childhood ear infections
- Have you had a history of depression, anxiety or other emotional or psychological
difficulties (for example: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, school phobia, suicide attempts)?
- Have you ever taken medication for this condition?
If yes, please give details:
Indicators of a POSSIBLE learning disability:
- If the learner reports that letters and words appear out of sequence or reversed,
these could be signs of a learning disability and should be investigated further.
- If the learner appears to be able to hear but has difficulty discriminating
similar sounding words or saying words correctly (this does not apply to an
English-as-a-Second-Language student), these problems should also be
investigated further as signs of a learning disability. These problems often
occur more frequently when there is a history of ear infections.
- If the learner's hearing appears normal, but the student frequently
misunderstands questions, there may be a learning disability - a language
processing problem.
- If the student frequently asks to have questions repeated, there could be
learning disabilities related to attention and/or auditory processing.
Not likely indicators of a learning disability:
- If the learner frequently has problems in situations requiring listening skills,
the possibility of a hearing problem should be ruled out by a hearing test with
an audiologist.
- If the learner is taking any medication regularly, you should investigate the
possible side effects of the medication and how it may impact on learning
(fatigue, memory, attention...)
- Learners with ongoing problems with anxiety or depression may have
difficulty coping with academic learning situations, especially the testing process.
- If the learner experiences eye strain when reading or copying notes from a
distance, the possibility of vision difficulties should be further explored.