
An adult's work history may indicate his interests, skill level, abilities, motivation, consistency of effort, planning and goal setting.
As you ask these questions, look for a pattern in types of jobs the learner has had, the demands of each job and the length of time spent at each job. For example, did the jobs require skill in reading/writing/ communication, or did they involve manual skills? Were the jobs repetitive or were they broad in their scope? Possible explanations for breaks in an adult's work history are: accidents, illness, retraining, moving, loss of job, lack of needed skills, lack of motivation, etc.
It is difficult to determine the existence of a learning disability based on an adult's employment history.

The employment record may give you a clustering of the types of work that the adult has done and from that you may see if there is an avoidance of jobs that require good reading and writing skills, or if there is a preference for jobs that are manual or mechanical in nature.

The adult may perform well in a job that requires high skills, even though he has poor academic achievement. This may mean that the adult has good general abilities and has learned to compensate for learning disabilities.

George's employment history is limited due to his age but it is interesting to note that he did get fired from one job because he did not follow proper procedure. This may have been a result of George not comprehending the job procedures properly.
  1. Of all the jobs (both paid and unpaid) you have worked at, what type of work did you enjoy the most?
    Video production
  2. Explain any problems that you have that affect the type of jobs that you get, or that keep you from getting jobs that you would like to have.
    Lack of education
  3. If you are currently working, how many hours are you working per week?
  4. What kind of work would you like to do in the future?
    Video production
  5. How committed are you to this career goal? Somewhat __  Quite __  Extremely _X_