Based on above potential learning needs, Dr. Cooper provides the following strategies and guidance to consider:AuditoryBlurred hearing: The student does not hear words clearly. This limits oral communication, vocabulary development, spelling, reading comprehension and critical thinking skills. Helping a person to understand that he or she does not hear words clearly is the first step. Teaching the student phonic awareness and/or the structure of language can provide alternatives. Learners should practice the correct pronunciation of words. AttentionHelp the person to become aware of how his or her racing mind is both an asset and
a deficit. It can be helpful for brainstorming and creative thinking but when the learner
needs to listen to or watch for specific details, he or she needs to learn how to slow his or
her thoughts and attend to the task. For example, if the learner is also disorganized,
employ structured learning techniques. OrganizationThe person who reports poor organizational skills needs structure. This structure should be taught and practiced. This can be accomplished with organization exercises and structured approaches to learning. For example: daily "to do" lists, steps to write a paragraph or report preparation. When the learner has difficulty with managing time, they may not meet deadlines and may have a poor (or virtually absent) sense of elapsed time. Such people may be late or very early for appointments. This may be because they do not know how much time to allocate for tasks. A learner that has difficulty organizing tasks may not understand the logical sequence of steps required to carry out a specific task. There may be difficulty with simple tasks like getting dressed, or cooking a meal so that the meat, vegetable and potatoes are all ready at the same time. There may also be difficulty with complex tasks such as planning a party or a move or dealing with the demands of the workplace. |
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