Vision / Hearing

____ My eyes water and / or become red after a short time of work.
____ My eyes get tired easily. I rub my eyes a lot.
____ I put my head on the desk or table to read.
____ When I read out loud, I skip or repeat words. I leave off endings.
____ I lose my place when I read.
____ I get headaches after just a short time reading.
____ I squint and have to look up from the page often when I read.
____ I close one eye when I read or write.
____ People say I talk loudly.
____ I have to ask people to repeat what they said.
____ Sometimes I misunderstand or miss what people say.
____ I turn one ear toward the person speaking so I hear better.

I also notice




This exercise is adapted by Margaret Lindop, the Center for Literacy Studies, The University of Tennessee, 1999, from Screening for Adults with Learning Disabilities: the Role of the Practitioner in the Assessment Process, National Adult Literacy and Learning Disabilities (ALLD) Center, Summer, 1998.