
____ I read slowly.
____ When I read aloud, I skip words and/or re-read lines.
____ I substitute, leave out, add, or mix up letters or parts of words.
____ I lose my place on a page.
____ I avoid reading out loud if I can.
____ I read words or parts of words backwards, e.g., was for saw, net for ten.
____ When I read silently, I re-read or read very slowly.
____ I have a hard time "sounding out" words.
____ I guess a lot when I read.
____ I read in a kind of jerky, uneven way.
____ I find it hard to draw conclusions or "read between the lines."

I also notice





This exercise is adapted by Margaret Lindop, the Center for Literacy Studies, The University of Tennessee, 1999, from Screening for Adults with Learning Disabilities: the Role of the Practitioner in the Assessment Process, National Adult Literacy and Learning Disabilities (ALLD) Center, Summer, 1998.