Writing and Spelling
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I have problems with grammar.
I write numbers or letters backwards or upside down, e.g., b for d, p for q, u for n, M for W. I spell words different ways in the same piece of writing. It's hard to spell because I can't remember how words look. I spell words the way they sound. Sometimes I remember to put a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence and a period or question at the end. Sometimes I don't. I reverse letters in spelling, e.g., Firday for Friday, gril for girl. I write capital and lower case letters in the same word, e.g., SunDay, MoNey. Handwriting is hard. When I'm writing, it's hard to make my letters all the same size or control the way I write them. I make a lot of mistakes with punctuation: periods, commas. I whisper to myself when I write. It's hard for me to organize my thoughts when I write. It's hard for me to organize my thoughts enough to take notes when I'm listening to a speaker. I also notice __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ This exercise is adapted by Margaret Lindop, the Center for Literacy Studies, The University of Tennessee, 1999, from Screening for Adults with Learning Disabilities: the Role of the Practitioner in the Assessment Process, National Adult Literacy and Learning Disabilities (ALLD) Center, Summer, 1998. |
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