Other factors that can affect learning

____ I have trouble concentrating / focusing.
____ I'm easily distracted.
____ I'm restless. It's hard to sit still.
____ I'm impulsive. I don't think before I act or say something.

____ I have trouble organizing my time.
____ I have trouble organizing things, e.g., house / car / business papers.
____ I have trouble judging how long it will take to do something.
____ When I have many things to do, I have trouble deciding which is most important to do.

I tend to feel out of place in a group.
It's hard for me to make friends.
I often feel that I misunderstand other people's words or actions or that they misunderstand mine.
____ It's hard for me to judge distances.
____ I have trouble finishing a project or a program.
____ I find it hard to change from one activity to another.
____ I have problems remembering.
____ I have trouble with directions: right-left, east-west, north-south.
____ I find it hard to motivate myself.

This exercise is adapted by Margaret Lindop, the Center for Literacy Studies, The University of Tennessee, 1999, from Screening for Adults with Learning Disabilities: the Role of the Practitioner in the Assessment Process, National Adult Literacy and Learning Disabilities (ALLD) Center, Summer, 1998.