The technique of expanding drafts involves the writing of short simple sentences and expanding them with modifiers, phrases and clauses with each subsequent draft. This writing technique can be introduced to individuals with very weak writing skills by first working on single sentences before introducing the use of the technique for paragraphs. For example the student writes a simple sentence.

John walked home.

The student then rewrites the sentence adding an adverb to modify the verb, a prepositional phrase to add detail, and a possessive pronoun to modify the noun.

John walked slowly down the street to his home.

Next the student rewrites the sentence again, this time adding another adverb and adjectives to modify the nouns.

John walked slowly and cautiously down the dark street to his brightly lit home.

The person with very weak writing skills may need to practice writing single sentences for a while before moving on to writing paragraphs. Other students can begin this exercise by writing a few simple sentences about a topic. I use the following exercise to introduce expanding drafts to students who are working on improving writing paragraphs. Directions: write three sentences of five words each. Rewrite the se sentences adding one adjective for each noun, one adverb for the verb and one prepositional phrase.

Joan saw a boy playing. She called to the boy. He walked over to her.

Here is an example of the first rewrite.

Joan saw a little boy playing quietly in the park. She softly called to the boy. He walked joyfully over to her.

The second rewrite adds other modifiers and clauses.