As she walked down the long tree-lined lane, Joan saw a little blond boy playing quietly in the city park. She softly called to the little boy who was deeply involved in his toys. When he saw her, the boy walked joyfully over to her and kissed her on her cheek.

The expanding draft exercise helps the person to organize their ideas, add details and keep sentences grammatically correct. This technique can be more than an exercise to improve writing skills, it can be used whenever a person needs to express thoughts in writing. A few small paragraphs can be expanded into a letter, an essay or any other writing assignment a person might have. Students attempting to pas the GED exam can use expanding drafts to keep their thoughts organized and grammatically correct. As individuals who use expanding drafts improve their writing skills, they may not need to begin with very simple sentences. Because of the practice they receive using this techniques as an exercise, they can rewrite adding details and descriptors to anything they write.

Word Part Exploration

Many students will need help with exploring how words are used. This exercise allows them to write using the structure of language rather than just writing one's ideas or thoughts.

noun The professor made sense.
adjective Mary is very sensitive to noise.
adjective The fall knocked him senseless.
noun What he said was pure nonsense.
verb  Please act your age.
noun The play has three acts.
adjective The little boy is very active.
noun The activity was planned weeks in advance.
verb  Press the button to activate the program.
noun The reactor is about to blow.
verb  He reacted differently than I expected.

For a complete copy of the manual Improving Writing Skills for Individuals Who Learn Differently Richard Cooper, Ph.D. 1999

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