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Input from Online Delivery of Chapter Four

When screening and assessment merge!

Literacy Link South Central wanted to give readers of this manual a valuable component of the online workshop: participant input. The following bullet points are compiled from participant responses, and may or may not include information or opinions in keeping with our evaluative constructs. We encourage you to filter the comments as you would in any classroom setting.

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Activity 1

At the beginning of the workshop, we talked about your experiences trying out the Delta Screener (presented in Chapter 3) in your program. The results definitely varied! Here's what you told us:

  • It was easy to use and learner-friendly; the questions were gentle and not invasive. It gave me some great information.
  • The learner seemed resentful the further we got into it; I don't think it ga ve truthful results.
  • There were good questions but the overall level was too high for my group of learners. The questions about educational level focused on college and weren't relevant for my group. I would need to paraphrase / rework the tool to make it more useful for my program.
  • Gave good insight into the learner's history.
  • I used it in a small group setting. The learners were very keen although some found it difficult to complete. They found it helpful.
  • It doesn't lend itself to learners with ID.
  • It was a bit long; it would have better if we had administered it in chunks.
  • It helped the learners understand things about their LD.
  • It got the staff and volunteers talking more openly about LD.
  • We're going to incorporate it into our intake form.