graphic of man holding barbell overhead
Activity 2

We looked at the Cooper Screening Tool (which you can find at and asked you if you could think of a particular learner that you would use this tool with and why. Here's what you told us:

  • I like the section on left/right discrimination
  • The organizational section clarifies a lot for me.
  • I would use it with someone who wants to further explore his/her LD
  • I liked the self-awareness tool, especially for those learners who have been in the program for a while.
  • Although the Cooper is longer than the Delta, learners who used it in one program preferred it because it was easier to understand. It also made them think about their learning, about what works and what doesn't. They didn't find it invasive.
  • It could be useful as a teaching/learner tool as well as a screener.

graphic of alarm clock
Activity 3

After taking a look at the Cooper Screening Tool, we looked at the Adult Learning Disability Screening test. We asked if you could think of a particular learner that you would use this test with and why. Here's what you told us.

  • It rules out hearing problems right away, which is great.
  • It would be good with higher-level learners.
  • The test is American and should be modified to be "more Canadian". It does have some rather invasive questions but this could be changed.
  • It's well set up to administer orally.
  • We already ask a lot of thee questions at intake but the screener makes the process more formal.
  • A good initial assessment tool that could be followed up by the Cooper or Delta.