Workers with auditory processing problems also have difficulty functioning in open, cubicle-like surroundings where noise is able to filter in from many directions. This can also happen in factories where loud machinery and conversations compete. These scenarios make it particularly challenging for individuals to focus and filter out background noises. During meetings, some adults find it difficult to focus on one key speaker, especially if other attendees are having side conversations, circulating or getting up to get coffee.

Individuals with visual processing deficits struggle in the workplace with specific challenges as well. For example, individuals with visual memory problems tend to forget where they have filed important memos and may not remember the face of a new customer they have recently met. Individuals with visual processing deficits often have difficulty with written language. This can impact them greatly in an employment setting because of the amount of text that they are often required to work with.

Individuals who have organizational processing deficits may have trouble prioritizing their work responsibilities. The job interview itself can be troublesome as they may be late, inappropriately dressed or unprepared. Organizational problems may manifest as inefficiency because the employee may have a disorganized or chaotic workspace. This type of disorganization can cause employees to misplace important documents, miss appointments or deadlines, and mismanage their time; co-workers or clientele may question their credibility. "Disorganization is linked to inaccuracy and inefficiency, causing workers to require longer periods of time to complete assigned tasks."6

The most common of challenges that impact individuals in the workplace involve skill deficits in reading, writing and math. Reading impacts so many aspects of work. There are memos, notices, e-mails and many other ways that individuals with reading deficits are bombarded by print.

Writing is another skill that troubles individuals with skill deficits. In some cases, individuals are tested for certain skills during the application process. Writing deficits may severely limit an individual's potential for job advancement.

6 Roffman, Arlyn J. Meeting the Challenge of Learning Disabilities in Adulthood. 2000.