Individuals who struggle with math and numbers may find jobs very difficult if they are required to handle cash or balance finances. Some individuals may transpose phone numbers, addresses or account numbers. Since math and numbers are a part of so many jobs from retail to truck driving, this type of processing disability can be particularly challenging for those in the workforce. Individuals with learning disabilities can sometimes be easily distracted when completing various tasks. This can be very detrimental in the workplace because employment is usually "results driven"; an individual who is easily distracted by background noises, another task or room lighting may be seen as inefficient. When adults with learning disabilities have a pattern of non-assertive behaviour, it may hinder success in the workplace at many points of getting and keeping a job. It may be difficult for them to articulate their strengths and "sell" their skills and abilities during a job interview. On the job, they may not come across as a team player because they are afraid to ask co-workers for help when they need it. They may also agree to do too many tasks within a certain timeframe. The hallmark of learning disabilities is difficulty with processing information. Unfortunately, success in the workplace is often directly tied to the ability to take in all types of information and respond appropriately. According to researchers, employers cite "problems following directions" as the number one reason why they discharge an employee. SummaryFor an individual with visual, auditory or organizational processing deficits, there may be specific issues like the inability to filter out background noises or general issues like non-assertiveness. In the workplace, employers may misinterpret the individual's actions and make assumptions about them as an employee; this could lead to the loss of employment. |
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