A college student with dyslexia, dyscalcula, and memory loss had difficulty reading textbooks and completing assignments. To accommodate him, a loaned computer with Arkenstone Reading software was provided to the student. This computer had voice output and scanned printed materials. The computer, software programs, and printer are available to use until the student completes schooling, then it must be returned. The cost of the accommodations was $6,245.

A saw operator with a learning disability had difficulty measuring to the fraction of an inch. A small card that could fit into a wallet was developed with the fractions listed on an enlarged picture of an inch. The employee could then compare the fraction listed on the reference card with the location on the ruler to identify the correct fraction. The cost for this accommodation was $5.

A computer programmer had a learning disability and deficiencies in reading, mathematics, and spelling. A schematic chart summarizing procedures was provided to assist the programmer with tasks. Also provided were tutorial readers and "talking back" tapes because the programmer was an "auditory learner" and had difficulty with visual discrimination. The cost of the accommodations was $30.

A clerk with a learning disability maintained files and had difficulty categorizing and sorting paperwork. The office was rearranged to eliminate visual distractions. Task sequencing was used in the office. Also provided were reading templates, colored marker tabs, and incandescent lighting. Total cost for these accommodations was $20 for the reading templates.

A student with a learning disability had difficulty taking notes. A tape recorder was provided during lectures, with the tape transcribed at home at the student's own pace. The cost of the accommodation was $60 for the tape recorder.

A clerk/receptionist with a learning disability had difficulty typing from the printed original. To avoid skipping lines, an automatic "line guide" was provided. Total cost of the accommodation was $256 for the copyholder/line guide, and also for a lamp and magnified cursor.