An electronics repair student with a learning disability had difficulty reading. A tape recorder was provided to the student for lectures. Books on tape were provided to the student, as was access/enrollment to a "survival reading skills" class offered at a local school. Total cost of the accommodations was $127 for a hand-held cassette recorder.

A typist with dyslexia was transposing telephone numbers. The accommodation included verbal verification of the phone numbers and extra time to proofread letters. The accommodations were at minimal cost to the employer (staff time).

A juvenile officer with dyslexia had difficulty with follow-up casework. The employee was provided with a dictation machine, weekly meetings with supervisors, and casework forms. Total cost of the accommodations was $200 for a dictation machine.

A child-care assistant with a learning disability had low reading skills. A video was provided to the employee to teach a children's story and the hand motions that accompanied the story. The employee viewed the video to prepare for lessons. Total cost of the accommodation was $50 for the videotape.

A clerk needed extra reinforcement when answering the phone, distributing pamphlets, entering "leads" into the computer, and answering questions. A job coach was assigned for two weeks and was then utilized as needed for reinforcement. This accommodation was at no cost to the employer.

A dishwasher with a learning disability had many tasks to complete. Using a list of job duties, especially at closing time, with words and/or pictures, helped the person stay on task. The list also helped with organization and efficiency. There was no cost for this accommodation.

A cutter with a learning disability with a deficiency in mathematics and difficulties with sequencing was responsible for cutting parts from foam sheets. A pocket-sized card with mathematical calibrations was provided to the employee to help him cut the foam sheets. Total cost of the accommodation was $25 for the pocket cards.

A record maintenance clerk with a learning disability and epilepsy was responsible for filing claims, searching for materials, and classifying material. The employee was provided a job trainer, and was re-trained on many aspects of the job. There was no cost to the employer for this accommodation.