Case study exercise - MikeThe following case study was taken from one of the programs that participated in piloting the learning disability screening tools to support the development of the online sessions. Background of the learnerMike has worked at Imperial, a tobacco factory, for 20 years. The company has closed down and he is now on a severance package and needs to retrain. Mike has been successful in doing many day-to-day tasks but he cannot read. His wife says that he is highly skilled in many areas. She is convinced that his only problem is that he cannot read. Mike attended the local college, but could not participate in the classes because he had no reading skills. Learner's reason for participating in the LBS program and a brief history of participation in the program to date.Mike needs to retrain because his old job no longer exists. He came to Agency X because he found college too difficult and needed to have more individual attention. Mike hopes to get a truck driver's license and needs to be able to read and write for this job. Why this learner was approached for potential learning disability screeningThere seemed to be a discrepancy between the skills Mike's wife spoke of him having and his level of reading ability. She spoke highly of his skills in other areas. Mike seemed to be able to do most day-to-day tasks that do not require reading and have at least an average level of functioning in all other areas. Mike states that reading just did not click with him. He would make some progress and then lose it again. When Mike speaks, he has some challenges putting his thoughts into words and often has difficulty finding a particular word. He says he is a pretty good organizer and has a good attention span. Mike finds doing math calculations and recalling math facts fairly manageable but struggles with math word problems. Previous school and family history
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