Screening questions to enhance your current intake process

Some screening instruments include a structured interview. The following questions are some of the more pertinent questions you will find in the structured interview. Some programs find it easier to incorporate some specific questions designed to elicit information concerning adults' learning histories in their current intake process.

Key questions to include:

  • Did you ever repeat any grades in school?
  • Why did you leave school (if appropriate)?
  • Were you ever given any special education assistance in the past? If so, what kind?
  • How would you describe your reading abilities?
    • Are you able to sound out words that you don't know?
    • If you can read the words, are you able to understand and remember what you read?
    • Are you a fast reader?
  • Can you usually understand verbal directions, or what other people say?
    • Are you able to explain yourself when speaking so that other people understand you?
  • How would you describe your writing abilities?
    • Can you organize your ideas to write?
    • Do you usually put periods and commas, etc. in the right place?
    • How would you describe your spelling?