Sum up the process
- Explain the next steps
- Go over the results if appropriate
- Emphasize how this is a positive step7
Deciding what tools to pack
Ah the joys of packing! For many of us packing for a trip can
be a challenge. What will the weather be like? Where will we
go? Will we need casual or formal clothes?
Deciding what screening tools to use during a journey of discovery with a learner can be
a lot like packing for a trip. There are many variables that can affect what tools you
choose to include in your toolbox (suitcase). Each variable will be weighted differently
depending on the learners you serve, your agency resources, the purpose for using the
tool, the availability of formal assessment services and your experiences as a practitioner
- just to name a few!
When Literacy Link South Central decided to develop a rating process for the learning
disability screening tools, we first researched what tools had been evaluated already and
examined what criteria were used during their research. The criteria were modified to
reflect the LBS program environment and then vetted by a working group to ensure
relevancy and comprehensiveness. We then asked practitioners from the LBS community
to review several screening tools and share what factors (criteria) they used when they
evaluated the tools. Interestingly however, LBS practitioners and external researchers
shared very similar views as to what criteria should be used to evaluate screening tools.
7 Learning Disabilities Association of Canada (2001). Screening for Success, Marilyn Samuels (1992).