• Minimize bias - the screening material accurately highlights potential indicators of learning disabilities regardless of a person's age, gender, race, ethnicity, or primary language.
  • Instructions - instructions are provided on how to interpret the screening tool results/findings.
  • Compatible with the goals of the organization - if you serve only adults, was the test developed for adults only or if you serve a number of ESL learners, was this the intended audience for the screening tool?
  • Format and written text follows clear language guidelines.
  • Informs selection of possible learning materials and/or instructional practices.
Source: National Adult Literacy and Learning Disabilities (1999). Bridges to Practice, Guidebook 2 and http://www.seakingwdc.org/ld/screening.htm * Link available at time of publication

Rating procedure and rationale:

The consultant will review each tool and provide the following information:

  • A brief description of the tool
  • A brief summary of evidence that is found based on each screening tool criteria
  • The top 5 tools that contained the most evidence in meeting the rating criteria (in particular, reliability and validity)
  • Recruitment of 5 - 7 practitioners from the London area to participate in a focus group

    Role of focus group
    • To volunteer 1 hour to review the tools prior to the focus group
    • To actively participate in the focus group (2 hour time commitment)
    • To review the top 5 tools and select the top 3
    • To participate in piloting one or two learning disability screening tools